


Values, digital innovation and social impact.

The launch of Rebels Gaming in eSports is another dream come true. It is a project that aims to instil in the new generations of young people the main values that have accompanied me since I started in professional football, within a framework of innovation and unparalleled technological development.

Rebels Gaming brings together a team of great eSports professionals in various sports disciplines, marketing, content, entertainment and business, united by our rebellious and non-conformist spirit, our desire to change things to be better every day, to persist in our goals, to have a positive social impact and to compete and fight with the utmost respect within our team and towards our opponents.

The digital age and the latest technologies create a new playing field on which to develop new skills and new dreams. Let’s seize this great opportunity and develop a better society.

Let’s go!


“To be able to contribute to improving other people’s lives is a privilege”

Since I started my career as a professional footballer, I have tried to be close to groups at risk of social exclusion and vulnerable people through different solidarity projects:

  • Fundación Mozambique Sur: sending sports equipment
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  • Unicef: charity events through Manchester United.
  • Unicef: charity events through Manchester United.
  • Unicef: charity events through Manchester United.
  • Manchester United Foundation: projects with young athletes.
  • Cruz Roja: collaboration in response to the floods in Alicante
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  • Collaboration against Covid-19 in the Community of Madrid
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In the near future, I hope to build a Foundation to contribute to equality and social welfare.